Saturday, June 29, 2013

What is a zooper?

The best of the Bronx Zoo is abundantly clear: Animals of all kinds, recreated in their natural habitats, in a zoo so large that one can zigzag all day without seeing every creature represented. Not only can one exhibit vary from month to month, with some animals being more active during certain seasons, but even day to day. A bashful Okapi may make an appearance if he's in the mood, or a lioness may subtly flaunt her big cat claws on another day. So yeah, we visit the zoo fairly often, and we always invite friends to come join us.

The worst, sadly, is what some adults say when a child asks a perfectly normal, age appropriate question. The adult either doesn't know, or presumes the child is incapable of understanding, and concocts a story that is, well, perhaps we should just tell you the stories and let you judge for yourself. Let's face it: what gets said at the zoo, does not always stay in the zoo. Those eyes are watching!

Don't make me jump out of here!


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