Sunday, June 30, 2013

Red Panda

The crowd of zoo visitors gathers to one side of the Red Panda exhibit.

The furry creature has come out of hiding and is flaunting his cuteness.

A woman grabs her child and brings her over to see the creature. As soon as the woman sees the Red Panda she exclaims "Oh, it's RED!"

What color did she possibly think the RED Panda was going to be?

Well, it turns out that we were the ones that were mistaken. Perhaps, "red panda" is actually shorthand for red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet panda. Or perhaps not. What do you think?

Rainbow Panda   ( Pastels on Canson Paper)

1 comment:

  1. omgggg! i had no idea!! i love the painting !! i wanna go to the zooo! damn it!
